Wilson System® Agreement
News ⋅ ECI Group signs Exclusive Partnership Agreement with Wilson Bio-Chemical Ltd for Wilson System®
ECI Group and Wilson Bio-Chemical Ltd have signed an agreement to license and offer the Wilson System® for waste processing.
The Wilson System® is a unique proven and patented waste treatment technology that takes mixed unsorted Municipal, Commercial and light Industrial Solid waste which treats the biogenic content and converts it to a cellulose rich fibre sanitising all the material to produce a range of clean resale products. The technology provides a recycling rate of up to 90%, providing a truly sustainable solution designed to valorise waste. Wilson Fibre® is the primary product of the system that can be further processed to produce high value products such as biomass fuel pellets. Other materials separated through this process are clean plastics as well as ferrous and non-ferrous recyclates. It is a circular system feeding the circular economy.
The main advantages of the Wilson System® are:
Carbon emissions are reduced by utilising waste as an asset which is currently discharged to landfill as a liability, with the well documented consequence of landfill methane and other greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and environmental impacts.
Replacing fossil fuels with high value biomass pellets produced from Wilson Fibre®, provides a substantial reduction in carbon emissions and provides integration with other processes to convert them into valuable chemical products.
Unique proven separation process to obtain homogenous biomass, plastics, metal, and glass which can be reused to produce other products.
Reduce waste volume by up to 70 % of its original volume, Waste sanitization and integral odour abatement system.
Modular design to allow scalable implementation in large-scale facilities.
The partnership agreement provides a tremendous base for both parties to work together in enhancing the system to meet specific environmental, market and client needs. This will leverage ECI Groups 145 years of cutting-edge engineering expertise knowledge with Wilsons’s decades of development of the Wilson System® to offer to the market a unique, cost effective and highly scalable global solution to the environmental and economic problems.
Tom Wilson, Founder of Wilson Bio-Chemical Ltd and inventor and designer of The Wilson System® commented: “The Wilson System® is a global solution to the environmental and economic problems that are caused by the destructive methods currently used in the disposal of waste. The system is designed to valorise waste, it then becomes an asset from which a diverse range of products matched to the needs of the location can be returned to the local economies providing a truly and Sustainable Circular Economy.”
Joaquin Flores, President of ECI Group, called the Agreement with Wilson Bio-Chemical Ltd “an important milestone. It is a major step in the commitment of ECI Group to provide engineering expertise and solutions for the Circular Economy. This is something we owe to current and future generations, and we have spent many years in trying to find the right system and partner. We firmly believe that we have found this with The Wilson System® and with Tom and his highly qualified team. We are very excited about taking this to the market and sharing the uniqueness and benefits we have only touched upon in this announcement.”
ECI Group and Wilson are already engaged in several projects around the world that use Municipal Solid Waste to obtain raw materials to be used in production of new plastics, fuel, or energy, thus closing the loop, and decreasing the carbon footprint.
About Wilson Bio-Chemical Ltd
Wilson Bio-Chemical (WBC) has over 50 years’ experience in the design, construction, and supply of steam process systems in the waste industry and many more years in other industries. The WBC team has developed a commercial system for the conversion of a variety of waste materials into useful products by using clean, dry, saturated steam in large rotating autoclaves. For waste operators, energy suppliers, environmentally concerned municipalities or larger organisations, Wilson Bio-Chemical provides a guaranteed autoclaving process to convert MSW into a renewable energy in a safe and efficient manner. Among all the other EfW technologies available, the Wilson System® produces a high-quality product through an automated process and creates an opportunity to provide energy security; Wilson Fibre® will be essential in ensuring societies are no longer totally dependent on imports or fossil fuels. Visit the website at https://wilsonbio-chemical.co.uk.
Wilson System® and Wilson Fibre® are registered trademarks of Wilson Bio-Chemical Ltd.